I would like to talk about the mythologies. It means shinwa in Japanese. There are several mythologies about the moon in China.
In Japan, the story a rabbit is living in the moon has been known well, while Chinese people believed a frog live in the moon before the Warring States period. The story is that a beautiful woman had become frog.
In Japan, the story a rabbit is living in the moon has been known well, while Chinese people believed a frog live in the moon before the Warring States period. The story is that a beautiful woman had become frog.
In the Kan era, a rabbit appeared. The story is that a rabbit made a medical herb in the moon. In short, there are both frog and rabbit in the moon. It is so interesting that both animals can jump up and down.
From Kan era to Shin era, Chinese people thought a fragrant olive tree is in the moon. This tree is not only big, but also strong. It has a strong recovery power. Therefore, if someone would try to cut down, it cures a wound itself quickly.
These mythologies have been believed in China.
These mythologies have been believed in China.